Thursday, February 26, 2009

Simply Lemonade

I am going to redesign the label for All Natural Simply Lemonade.  It also happens to be a favorite of mine.  The design seems simple enough to recreate.
The assignment this week is to bring in 3 rough drafts.  All words that appear on the existing label must appear on the recreation.  

I started by going to the web and looking at images relative to the Arts and Crafts Movement.
I made my choice and downloaded to Illustrator. 

 From here I used the pen and the pencil tool to recreate the image adding a little of my own touch.
Through trial and error I am finding my way to around the layers pallet.  It is still taking me a while to accomplish my assignments. 
 What took me 7 hours to do, could probably be done in 15 minutes by someone more familiar with the operations of Illustrator.  It might not show in my art work, but each week I am learning a new technique.
The shapes used the most in the Arts and Crafts Movement were very basic; squares, rectangles, triangles, etc.  The design of the image contains those very  basic shapes.

I could not remove the funny colored image.

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